Spatial Policy & Delivery Team
Development Plans
Lichfield District Council
District Council House
Frog Lane
WS13 6YZ
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have considered the draft consultation document and make the
following comments:
a. the system is unduly complex and the overlap between the two systems
of Community Infrastructure Levy and section 106 contributions is
unclear, is not transparent and is not likely to be understood by
local communities, despite claims to the contrary;
b. overall there is concern that the contributions being sought by
Staffordshire County Council to education provision appear excessive
in relation to other important elements of infrastructure, and that a
more satisfactory balance is required; and
c. where is concern about the likely scale of the infrastructure funding
gap in Lichfield District and whether the development proposals of
the Local Plan can proceed in these circumstances where funding of
supporting infrastructure is inadequate. The recent modification of
CIL rates on SDAs recommended by the Examiner makes the funding gap
even greater.
Yours faithfully
John Thompson
Lichfield Civic Society,
March 18th, 2016